Create todo
Create todo

create todo create todo

Instead, it is distributed across the blockchain. All of the code and the data to the todo list does not lie on a centralized server. A blockchain application works quite differently. Anyone with full access to the server can change any part of the code or the data at any time. This server is a centralized entity that full control over every aspect of the application. Database that stores the tasks in the todo list.Back end code responsible for the application's business logic.Client side files in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.Here is a list of what you would find on the server: The server contains all of the code and data for the todo list. To access the todo list, you would use a web browser that would communicate with a web server over the Internet. In order to understand how a blockchain application works, let's first look at how a todo list might work as a web application. It will teach you the fundamentals about how a blockchain works and how to write Ethereum smart contracts. It will teach us how to read and write data from the blockchain, as well as execute business logic that will govern the behavior of our todo list application. I've chosen a todo list application for this tutorial because it is one of the most common ways to learn any new programming language. How Does a Blockchain Application Work?.If you are eager to start programming, you can skip ahead to the next part of the tutorial. Before we start building our dApp, let me first explain how a blockchain application works. I'll also guide you through the step-by-step instructions in this tutorial. You can watch me build the full blockchain application in the 90-minute video above.

Create todo